Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Meet Kitkat

Kitkat was found in a drainpipe in Singapore. His lovely person, Berenice, works at the SPCA there, and says that cats have a tough time in Singapore because people prefer dogs. Kitkat is one lucky cat!


  1. I LOVE this cat necklace - great work! You even improved on the photo by opening his eyes! And I especially love the little screech owl in the tree. What a bad week for the car to break down - I'd have a hard time resisting otherwise!

  2. Great pendant! I also love all of your concrete pendants, there awesome

  3. That is such a lifelike piece, love it! Now all you have to do is bring out a technique book so I can buy it lol
    Nicola xx

  4. I love, love, love your blog and jewelry! In fact, I just purchased your "Little Bird" earrings on Etsy. I am ALL about the birdies! :-) Keep up the awesome work!

  5. Wonderful likenesses! I love the cat's face!

    Catherine Witherell
