Saturday, June 27, 2009

Featured seller on Etsy!

I meant to post this yesterday, but I was so busy I didn't get to it - I'm the featured seller on Etsy through Monday morning! You can read the interview here:
Back to work now!


  1. Congratulations! You certainly deserve it your stuff is amazing.

  2. woohoo!!!! congrats:)

    I loved the article too. good luck keeping up.

  3. congratulations on the feature...your work is quite unique and beautiful :)

  4. congrats! i love your unique and wonderful pieces!

  5. Hello, I've been watching your work on etsy page. I love it. I'm from barcelona and my english is right but always there are words that i don't understand. I was wondering what concrete is. This thing you make to get the jewell take colour.
    Thankyou, i'll wait for your answer.
    And congratulations for your work it's very artistic. :)


  6. Many, many, many congrats!!!!

  7. Hello and congratulations! I found your blog through Etsy.

    I'm officially in love with your shar pei, Lulu! I have a shar pei mix named Darcy Diggity and I just can't get over the cuteness of her little pointy ears. (^-^)

    I visited your shop, your jewelry is awesome, I especially love the peach pendant made of silver and tinted concrete.

  8. I loved reading your interview and thought your photo was especially good. You look so happy!

    Congratulations Sue! Go, go, go!


  9. Just found you as the featured seller on Etsy and then found my way here. Congratulations! Your work is beautiful!

  10. Hey!

    I saw your store and thought it was so cute. I wanted to invite you to a forum I'm on called The Dressing Room.

    Its for WAHM's, blog owners, crafters, photographers, and more. Basically anything to make us females pretty up our life and what we're interested in. We'd love to offer you free advertising for your business as well! (we're new so this is only a limited time deal)

    Come join us. There is never a dull moment there.


  11. Great article. Congratulations. Now everywhere I look I see you online as being featured! Wonderful publicity! Well done. Hope you can relax a bit now that week is done!

  12. Congrats!
    I love your work, and your dog. Beautiful!

    (Marta from Barcelona, "concrete" is like "cemento, hormigon" in Spanish)
