Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Working half days

There's an old joke about working half days when you work for yourself - you even get to choose which 12 hours of the day you work. I'm living that right now! So much for getting a bit more sleep now that I've quit the day job. I have a really big event coming up on Friday (more about that later) and have been making, making, making. The photo shows only some of what I've been doing. The gray pieces on the left are finished but unfired clay - they are in the kiln right now. The bright silver pieces have just come out of the kiln, and the black pieces are fired, finished a bit and oxidized and are waiting final finishing. There's still more to make. I guess I better make some coffee and get to work!


  1. wow that's a lot of work. lucky you that you have the time now. i would love that. good luck with your show!

  2. didn't know you quit the day job--kudos! my days feel like they need more hours--even the "half" ones, haha! :)

  3. Wow, you have been a busy girl...can't wait to see the finished pieces.

  4. wow! That's impressive. I know the amount of time that goes into that many pieces. I'm assuming you still have to add concrete to a lot of those too. Remember to stretch out your arms and fingers, seriously. I have started to have some major issues with my wrist because of the small repetitive work. Just giving you a heads up (even though you've been making a lot of jewelry for a while now) good luck!

  5. Congratulations on the Etsy featured seller thing! Your jewelry is really fun :)

  6. I saw you on Etsy this morning as the featured seller!! Then I noticed that you live in the same town as I do....!!
    I love your work~
    I am a Marathon runner/Yogini...may have to have you design something for me one day....!
    I live in Montgomery Village..are we neighbors???
    Tracy ;^)

  7. Congrats on being an Etsy featured seller and on leaving that day job behind - very inspiring to those of us artsy Dilberts still plugging away! Good luck to you!

  8. wow now thats a lot of PMC! awesome!
