Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Art Therapy

My 25 1/2 year old cockatiel, Stan, has not being doing so well lately. In fact, I'm amazed that he is still here. 25.5 is VERY old for a cockatiel, the oldest my vet has seen is 21! I made myself this piece from a very cute photo of him, it was good therapy. He's getting lots of attention right now, and all his favorite foods - I'm grateful I have this time to dote on him. I've lived with Stan for over half my life!


Greetekees said...

HI there Sue, I saw your comment and was curious for your BLOG. You just started like me. I LOVE your work! Do you have a gallery in California or do you sell online?

Hilaree said...

What beautiful work you do! I saw your stuff on etsy and am in love with the silver/concrete pieces. I am hoping to receive one for Christmas so keep up the good work! California poppies are my favorite flower so it was just lovely to see them interpreted in this way. Take care.

wardstorms said...

Hi There,
I just found your Etsy store and I love your jewelery. I am going to put some on my wish list for Christmas. We are neighbors too! I live in Petaluma.

Sue said...

I sell online - I just put a link above my profile - it's

Sue said...

Thanks for the kind words everyone - it's nice to see that someone is looking at this blog! Cheers, Sue